

I had to do something because if I was stabbed one more time I would die. When I came to, I was lying face down on the floor. I said to myself, “Okay I'm still alive.” I needed to comprehend what happened.

I tried to rationalize that I heard the sounds of voices. I was traumatized by everything that had happened to me. But I had my mind, and I was thinking. I was coherent and I realized I was under attack by the spirits I had trapped in the vacuum cleaner and that I had to protect my back..

I would lay there for a few moments absorbing what had happened to me. I knew it was incredible, frightening, and painful. I had been stabbed in my back, almost to unconsciousness, giving me horrendous pain. Now I remember hearing voices inside of me, speaking to me. I was lying there reliving that horrible experience for a few seconds.